Egg Inc Wiki

Glitches are unintended quirks in a game caused by faulty code.

WARNING: If you use any glitch to gain an advantage in the game, be aware that the developer of the game may mark you as a cheater, and this might result in negative effects now or in the future. Triggering glitches intentionally is done at your own risk!

Data Glitches[]

Data glitches are glitches that change deal with the game's data. This includes money, timers, and boosts. They may be:

Note: Egg, Inc. has a built-in function where, if you open the game with an earlier date or time than the last time you've opened it (regardless if the app is active in the background), it will pause egg production for one hour. This can be easily reverted by setting time forward again for the paused amount of time, but keep in mind the game keeps track of how many times you've set your clock forward (the counter is not shown to the user, however.) The consequences of this is that you may be denied support from the developer when attempting to contact them, and you may lose access to online features: Contracts, Artifacts, and backups.

  • Infinite Golden Eggs: Setting time forward a week (or two weeks for some users) will give a Welcome Back gift with 1,440 golden eggs. This process can be infinitely repeated to gain as many golden eggs as possible.
  • Video infinite hold to hatch: Holding down the chicken button then watching an ad for the video multiplier will result in the chicken button to be held down infinitely.
  • No ads remaining: If the game is on a connection but ads haven't loaded, the video reward alert will still pop up, but the watch button will make the prompt disappear when clicked. To fix this problem, go to settings, privacy & data, and disable personalized ads. Your game will close immediately after, and by repeating the steps to enable personalized ads, ads will begin to show again.
  • Ads failing to load: When an ad is pulled up, the game may properly go into the black screen to load an ad, but stay on the black screen until the game is restarted. This only happens on the second ad that is watched in its session, to avoid this, restart your game right after watching the first ad to avoid the black screen on the second.
  • Crashing ads: When an ad is finished, it may freeze, causing you to watch the ad but not get the reward. If this happens to you, close and reopen the app without restarting for it to get out of its frozen stage and for you to get the reward.
  • Negative cash: When the Fuel Tank is accepting fuel on a fresh farm without money or chickens, the amount of bocks will turn negative upon running chickens. This can be fixed by Prestiging (as long nothing is still accepting fuel). Example
  • Farm Multiplying: Occasionally, a contract farm will load the habitats and vehicles of the main farm without spending bocks. This primarily occurs on older devices or when setting time back and turning off Wi-Fi.
  • No Video Reward: After a reward video ends, the screen displaying the reward will still be up for a second. Clicking "No" in that period of time will result in no reward. Clicking "Yes" will replay the video but is still likely to give no reward.
  • New Artifact Drops: Due to an update, some spaceships and artifact crates from contract rewards may give out artifacts that were previously unavailable, including the Tier 4 Demeter's Necklace and the Tier 4 Tungsten Ankh.
  • Negative 0 Bocks: After moving on to a new farm that is fuel for a Spaceship that is currently being fueled by 100% of the eggs produced, the player cannot earn any money and the money will sometimes fall to -0. (e.g: Rocket Fuel to Fusion) Simply turning off or adjusting the fueling fixes this.
  • Double Purchase Vehicle If you can buy 2 of the same vehicles, double tapping the "hire" button would buy the vehicle twice, though if you started off with 1 less than your current maximum vehicles, it would NOT apply.
  • Multiple Prestige Spam: When spamming the "Yes" prompt when prestiging, multiple prestige counts will be added in the "Stats" section, but only give a single prestige's worth of soul eggs.

Visual Glitches[]

Visual glitches are bugs that involve problems with the game visuals.

  • Display is corrupted: The game rendering may be bugged, resulting in models failing to load properly and displaying holes and missing parts, rendering the game near unplayable. This also may cause the background blur while on any menu to flicker black or white. Rarely, the screen may still flash colors even when out of the menu. Even more rarely, the game world can go black, leaving only moving objects, such as delivery vehicles, chickens, and drones visible.
  • Broken background blur: Sometimes, if the user opens a menu that blurs the background, followed by locking and unlocking their device, the previously blurred background will instead be solid black. This will continue for any background-blurring menus being opened, and the only fix is to restart the game. Example
  • Box UI offset: Tapping a box while it is being tossed out of the vehicle, causes the box pop-up to open at abnormally fast speeds upwards. If the pop-up goes off-screen, the game is softlocked and must be restarted to continue playing.
  • Upgrade UI offset: When upgrading or purchasing habitats or vehicles, tapping on upgrade twice—once in the middle and once on the left—will cause the upgrade menu and menu screen to shift to the right and cause the other menu to move further to the left. Tapping on an X will move the menu screen to the left one.
  • No UI: Similarly to the previous glitch, clicking on the upgrade button while the menu screen is moving left will cause the menu screen to move right to no menu. This also happens if a menu button is pressed twice in rapid succession.
  • Trucks become habitats: Sometimes when recently buying a habitat, a few minutes later you may find the habitat on the road, replacing the sprite for the truck.
  • Duplicated wheels: Setting the game to low performance mode will cause vehicles' wheels and other specific parts to duplicate in the middle of the farm path.
  • Invisible drone: Very rarely, a drone's lights will appear without the body, or a drone's body will appear without the lights, although you can still knock it down if it is moving.
  • Frozen chickens: Opening the app may rarely cause running chickens to freeze.
  • Overlapping text: Tapping on multiple (i) icons or certain buttons simultaneously will cause their text to overlap as well as play additional sound effects.
  • Z-fighting: Most, if not all 3D models have some amount of z-fighting.
  • Blurred Screen: Tapping on the shop icon quickly twice will cause the shop to close, but result in a blurred screen. This can be fixed by tapping on the egg, research button, boost button, trophy button, the main menu button, and the shop. The trucks will honk and chickens will run if you click on the correct button, but those two actions won't fix the screen.
  • Missing Contract: Upon exiting a contract on a different farm, the contract list will not show the exited contract. However, opening the contract menu again, the exited contract will return, assuming the contract has not expired.
  • Spaceship Fueling Extension: During a "Spaceships Fuel Faster" event, the fuel tube in Advanced Flow Control will extend 3 times the desired fueling amount. This will lead to a line extending out of the Advanced Flow Control.
  • See-Through Pipes: When in Mission Control, clicking the X button and then immediately clicking the Advanced Flow Control's 3 dots, this will unblur the pipes in Advanced Flow Control. This will allow for the player to see through pipes connecting to buildings.
  • Blue Farm: The "Advanced Flow Control" screen alters the colors of your farm to be more blueish. You can see this fuzzy image of your farm around the borders of the Advanced Flow Control window.
  • Empty Co-op: Since the update which changed the way contracts are displayed in menus, joining a private contract will trigger a screen which says 0 members are currently in the co-op. You'll have to leave and re-enter that screen in order to see the actual list of members.
  • Eternally Looking for Land: If you are in a very dark room (or a room with light but no flat horizontal surface), opening Farm to Table will result in the game eternally displaying the message "Attempting to find plot of land..." without ever actually finding a plot location. Consequently, it will never offer an option for the user to abandon Farm to Table and go back to their regular farm view. The user will have to either turn on a light in their room, go to another location that has better light and a flat horizontal surface, or close and reopen the app.
  • Silos Disappear: Entering Farm to Table mode may make your Grain Silos disappear. When you exit Farm to Table and go back to the regular farm view, the silos will remain gone. (This can actually be an advantage when is comes to seeing and hitting drones, since you won't accidentally tap on the silos and open that menu.)
  • Daily Gift Makes You Wait: If you do certain actions on your farm before claiming your gift from the Daily Gift Calendar via the notification, the notification will disappear for awhile. The easiest way to usually make it reappear is to switch between farms (either by upgrading your egg, prestiging, or going to or from a contract farm). Closing and restarting the app is not guaranteed to work. And unfortunately there is no way to claim the Daily Gift Calendar from the menu (and the version in the menu doesn't show the Month number either).
  • Misplaced Hand: Upon unlocking the Fuel Tank, a hand may point towards the hatchery instead of the fuel tank. Clicking on the hatchery will not have any effect.
  • Incorrect Quality: Some ships, if not all, have an exaggerated quality meter when selecting a ship. The quality bar will return to the corrected state after choosing a mission.
  • Too Many Artifact Pages: If you have too many pages of Artifacts in your Hall of Artifacts, the dots at the bottom (meant to display which page you're on) will stretch too far left & right such that the first and last dots are not visible to you.
  • Missing Video Reward: If an ad is watched for a video reward, the "yes" and "no" confirmation screen will briefly show on the screen before disappearing. Clicking "no" will not give the reward, and clicking "yes" will show another ad with only one reward.
  • Incorrect Star Increase: When a spaceship launch brings the star circle to a required amount, the star level will not increase. Launching another spaceship will bring the star level up one star.
  • Incorrect Event Multiplier: Quadruple Piggy growth events are marked with "+4", suggesting that they add four golden eggs to every piggy addition. However, all additions will be multiplied by four.
  • Incorrect Boost Duration: When extending boost durations with Dilithium Stones, the Legendary Tachyon Prism's duration will round to the nearest minute instead of showing the exact time. However, when activating it, the boost will start its actual duration.
  • Smart Crafting Overflow: If the number of types of Artifacts (counting different tiers as different types) exceeds the space provided on the screen for the Smart Crafting box, the Artifacts will overflow out of the edges of the box while staying centered.
  • Soul Egg Bonus Cap: If a player reached a certain amount of bonus per soul egg (2,147,483,647%, which is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer), the additional bonus would not show. However, the real bonus would still take effect in the Earnings Bonus.


Crashes are glitches that terminate the game.

  • Scroll crash: Scrolling incredibly quickly in a menu (usually caused by superscrolling) may sometimes cause the game to crash.
  • Sharing image: Attempting to share an image by pressing the share button from an old farm will cause the game to crash.
  • Chicken storm: Making too many chickens appear on-screen will lag, freeze, and crash your game.
  • Ticket Video Ads: When watching video ads that reward tickets, the game would crash right after the ad was finished and closed. This occurs about half the time.
  • Chicken Shells: While customizing chicken shells, cycling though the chicken/headwear shells quickly will immediately terminate the app.

Patched Glitches[]

These glitches were originally in the game but were patched in a previous update. Note: It is possible that other glitches on this page have also been patched but have not yet been noted as patched for this page. We don't have communication with the developer for when these are patched, so we rely on the community to determine this.

  • Box carrying: Prestiging or selling your farm and repeatedly tapping two unopened boxes on the farm during the prestige transition causes the second box to be carried over past the prestige or farm and into the Edible Egg.
  • Boost underflow: Two-finger tapping on the confirmation button for a boost that costed at least Golden Egg}}1,000 would have caused the number of boosts to go down twice. This means that if one boost was remaining, it would have underflowed to the maximum 32-bit unsigned integer, 4,294,967,295.
  • Daily gift carrying: Receiving a cash daily gift on a farm would have stored the value of the gift from that farm. Switching to a different farm while the gift alert is active would give the amount of bocks as it would the original farm. This was patched in update 1.12 when daily gifts were only allowed to be collected in the main farm.
  • Prestige infinitely: Terminating the app immediately after prestiging used to give the soul eggs from prestiging while keeping your farm progress. It had a chance to cause permanent game corruption.
  • Setting time backward: Setting time backward used to add the amount of time set back to numerous timers. Now, there is a feature that pauses egg production when time is set back. However, this can be fixed by setting the time forward 1 hour or more.
  • Recompleting contracts: Exiting a contract after getting its award used to allow infinite Eggs of Prophecy since the contract would open again. When this glitch was fixed, it retroactively took away extra Eggs of Prophecy.
  • Chicken Producer: Holding the chicken button and releasing it during a menu transition used to hold down the chicken button indefinitely until the button was tapped again.
  • Pre-warp Bonus: Warping while a running chicken bonus was active used to cause the boost to give the regular amount of money multiplied by the bonus.
  • Post-warp Bonus: Racking up a running chicken bonus immediately after warping used to cause the warp to give the regular amount of money multiplied by the bonus. It was removed along with warps.
  • Duplicating trophy golden eggs: Clicking on a golden egg trophy reward multiple times used to give the reward multiple times. After this point, if the player spends most of the eggs, restarting the game would award the player with 18.447 Quintillion golden eggs. Restarting the game again would reset this number to lower than 1 million.
  • Soul Egg overflow: If you get more than 18.447Q Soul Eggs, you used to lose all of them except for how many you exceeded that amount by.
  • Overlapping Vehicle Menu: It was possible to go to have the entries of vehicle menu overlap with any other menus. Opening the vehicle menu at this point would have crashed the game.
  • Holding a greyed-out button crashes the game: Holding a greyed-out button used to sometimes cause the game to crash.
  • Egg Upgrade Crash: When hitting the Upgrade Egg button several times quickly, the game used to crash.
  • Opening package crashes game: Rarely, opening packages dropped by delivery trucks would crash the game, and the item would have been lost.
  • Invisible earnings bonus: Upon hitting 18.447Q%, the earnings bonus used to disappear from the prestige page for the whole game. This was replaced by the visually capped earnings bonus in v1.9.2.
  • Visually capped earnings bonus: The earnings bonus displayed on the prestige page used to visually cap out at 18.447Q%. This is the largest unsigned 64-bit integer. In v1.9.2, this replaced the invisible earnings bonus glitch and was patched in v1.11.2.
  • Double warping: Warping twice before the previous warp finishes used to cause the screen to go hazy for a while and then return to normal without adding chickens or cash while still subtracting golden eggs.
  • Black Text: In rare cases, the names of the housing in the housing menu would turn into an infinite rectangle, going off the screen if the upgrade box is opened.
  • Share crash: Some devices had a broken share feature, and would always crash when the native share menu was pulled up.
  • Invisible Egg: The egg in the upper left corner may have disappeared for the whole game.
  • Warping in Contracts: Using a time warp on your main farm and then immediately switching to a contract used to transfer a portion of the warp to the contract. It was fixed when the visual duration of the warp was shortened.
  • Multiplying Rewards: Collecting the Daily Gift Calendar before loading a save game will allow for a second collection for the rewards. The original rewards will still be available.
  • Boost copying: Having some boosts on one device, and then going to another device with the same account would give all of the same boosts. If one boost was used, the other one could be copied or used again.
  • Superscrolling: Tapping, holding, and releasing with multiple fingers may cause the menu to fly to the top or bottom, especially in the research menu. This was (mostly) patched in the 1.20 update.
  • Egg Transition Repeat: Rapidly spamming on the green "Start New Farm" button will repeat the transition to the egg many times.
  • Spaceship Time Remaining: When you view the details of an ongoing Spaceship mission, there will be a missing space after the number of days remaining if the hours component of time remaining is zero. For example, the time remaining will change from "1d 1hr 0s" to "1d59min 59s".
  • Hours Hours: The "Max Away Time" displayed on the Grain Silos can say "1d 6hrs hrs".
  • Invisible cash text: Extremely rarely, the cash text (e.g. quintillion) will disappear. This happens with phones that have very little RAM.
  • Corner infinite hold to hatch: Flicking a tap on the edge of the chicken button and quickly leaving it will cause the button to be continued to be held down.
  • Multiple prestige count: Rapidly clicking on the prestige confirmation button will add multiple prestiges to stats, but will only give one prestige’s worth of Soul Eggs.
  • 0 bocks per second after time cheat: If you warp forward time until the time cheating penalty is finished, the bocks per second reading will always display 0.00 bocks per second. The income isn't affected by this. The eggs per second counter isn't affected.
  • 0 bocks per second after box carrying: If you carry a box into the enlightenment egg, your bocks/sec will display as 0 because your actual earnings are so low that there isn't enough precision in the game for it to count.
  • Restarting changed legacy contract: Starting a legacy contract with changed egg goals will delete the Eggs of Prophecy gained from the said contract upon game restart. It is given back after completing the contract again.
  • Additional contract boosts: Boosting on a contract and restarting the app will give the player used boost slots back. The buttons will be grayed out but still clickable.

